To Begin

the dawn breaks the gloom
the talk comes to animation
the spirit approaches to bloom
while eyes are closed
the mind scribbles notes
to be clothed in costume

and in a little while
the aurora rushes in the early morn
wooden chair and table on the watch
black and white colors on a batch
become a manuscript
of golden words from a shoestring catch




Sketch of Life


the day’s mantle of graphic scenes
drapes down the head of life
the wind in different directions blow
the dust rolls to thicken as virgin snow

enter the sphere of unforeseen emotions
feel the dagger’s wound as it rips the skin of hope
revel in the pleasure of a triumphant win over a failure
let the mind and heart impress your only soul





 I sat with my distressed memories
wandered in many unexpected places
in every battered nook that i stop
is a bitter sphere reliving the past

dainty spot where love has dawned
painted journals swirled and thawed
they rushed and flew out of my mind
in my heart they anchored those mem’ries behind


old photos in the wooden box
Photo by Kaboompics .com on






image: Free Photo Library 


in the dawn of our lives
expecting a bright lovely sunrise 
unexpectedly a disturbance of day
comes to darken the way

harsh wind blows so hard
and clouds fly so dark
lightning  begins to spark 
and strike a burning mark

water of the sky heavily pours 
and sips inside closed doors
rises and tries to ready itself
and floods the way with cries

tears of hate and pains of hurt
bloodied wounds and stains of dirt
all will be talking inside your heart
when a survival is going  to start 

wishing the sun would not set
and turn the dark to day
lives have their twists and turns
the fire has some waste to burn…




love to read this again…



as i open a sea of thoughts

rushes of curling waves kiss the sands

gather no moss nor leave traces of gloss

a heap of dune boils my commands


erasures define as they swing to and fro

’til the wrinkled phase is ironed and correctly done

then it is set ready, aimed like an arrow and bow

shot into the target awaiting fate to be grand

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a glimpse of you
unearthing me
when the whisper
came to be
in the loosened air
encompassing the calls
of agitated silence…
the name that flew
in the wide atmosphere
brought a happy lullaby
in the hearts and ears
of the lives that listened
to its muted echoes


it was our hearts
that roared out
the sounds of love
and not our whispers


the tones were high
only to be caught
at their lowest ebb
the sea’s feeble waves
forcefully beat
the sands of the silent shore…
an ignition of war
of reassuring minds
so soothing to be heard
 brought back henceforth
memories of painful past 


Loving Heart

16 - 1.jpg Pilar Allen

Image credit: Pilar Allen

now  you’re singing
the song of love
your heart’s beating
you are certain of


how great it is
feeling the happiness
braving the storm
despising emptiness


sadness turns to laughter
cold mornings become warm
questions need no answers
loving heart takes any norm
