2 Replies to “Bloggers Behaving Badly”

  1. I just don´t pay much attention to all this. There are few basic things in life that enters aso into the blogging world,which is to be respectful, and wnen I follow somebody is because I like what I read. . I never started this blog to get followers, I started this as what I call “my free online university” I do red the people, now there are alot, so in some instance I skim the post, but I try my best to read and learn as much fom others and apply it to myself and my writing, and when I say others I mean from poets, to real crazzy blogs, to photgraphy blogs ( this photography blogs have hooked me and would like to give it a try one day at photography) I even follow priests! You name it I probably follow, as well as a beauty blog, cause as I think is when can this come in Handy when I´m writing a story and maybe the girl charachter uses this or that or has a fight for this beauty product and not the other one…….they just fuels my imagination.
    Would like to spend more time, but now with so many people following which I can´t really understand although ofcourse I do appreciate it a bunch, but never in my dreams did I think my little endeavour in this social media thing would get to some people to read what I write. Wasn´t my goal, I just have fun writing and then I post and if they don´t read well the world is not going to fall on top of me that´s for sure. But certainly ´glad that people actually read my writing. I don´t have Facebook, don´t have an ipad or iPhone, don´t have internet in my 25$ phone, yep, cost me 25$. Pre paid phone card. So I basically do this thing from a screwed up laptop. i found twitter 3 years ago and I don´t even use it much or basically nothing, pinterest, linkedn, have no clue how those work. I´m a cromagnon when it gets to social media. I just go with the flow with my little blog.
    Damn, this was a long comment……..

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    1. i also learned from others about the contents of my blog and infused into it a lot of what’s in my head. There are times i write without any inspiration resulting to a directionless poetry. I re-blogged the article because i found it useful , not necessarily to me but to others who are groping with difficulty to start a piece. I have my facebook, twitter, tumbler,linkedn, etc..but i found wordpress the most useful…
      My friend thank you for keeping me back in track again….

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